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Lowongan Kerja PetroChina International Jabung Ltd 3 Posisi

PetroChina Company Ltd. adalah perusahaan minyak dan gas terbesar di China, yang merupakan unit usaha China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) yang bermarkas di Dongcheng, Beijing. Bisnis perusahaan ini meliputi ekplorasi, pengembangan, produksi, dan pemasaran minyak mentah serta gas alam, termasuk kilang, transportasi, penyimpanan, pemasaran produk migas serta derivasinya. Di Indonesia, PetroChina hadir sejak tahun 2002 dan kini telah mengoperasikan empat blok migas, di antaranya blok Jabung (Sumatera), blok Bangko (Sumatera), blok Tuban (Jawa Timur), dan blok Pulau Salawati (Papua).

We're Hiring....

Lowongan Kerja PetroChina International Jabung Ltd

Saat ini PeteoChina International Jabung Ltd kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan di tempatkan.

Dibawah ini merupakan posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.


1. Technical Support Sr. Superintendent

Job Responsibilities:

• Coordinate and support marine and project related to marine operations. Support all operations program and AFE’s.

• Coordinate in preparing agreements/contracts to support operation programs.

• Prepares and reviews the Work Program & Budget related to maintenance system, operations, safety and project modification for Field Jabung.


•  Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Engineering

• Minimum 15 years of experience in related field.

• Lead or supervisory experience is a must

• English proficiency in both writing and speaking.

• Fast knowledge on Oil & Gas related regulations.

• Fast learner, high confidence, independent and reliable.

2. Litigation & Manpower Legal Attorney

Job Responsibilities:

• Liaise issues related to any potential or ongoing litigation issues, manpower, procurement and related operational legal matters of the company.

• Handle and take in charge on any procurement works including but not limited to review, provide advice and consultation as well as give recommendation from legal point of view.

• Liaise internally and eternally related to the job assignments as well as other adversarial legal proceedings such as arbitrations, meditations and administrative law proceedings.

• Identify, support, and monitors legal activities related to potential and on-going litigation, manpower, procurement and operational legal matters.


• Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Law

• Minimum 5 years of experience in related field

• Past working record in oil and gas industry or law firm

• Preferably if holds PERADI advocate license

• Preferable if holds PTK 007 Competence Certificate

• English proficiency in both writing and speaking.

• Fast knowledge on Oil & Gas related regulations.

• Fast learner, high confidence, independent and reliable.

3. Procurement and Operation Legal Advisor

Job Responsibilities:

• Liaise issues related to any potential or ongoing litigation issues, manpower, procurement and related operational legal matters of the company.

• Handle and take in charge on any procurement works including but not limited to review, provide advice and consultation as well as give recommendation from legal point of view.

• Liaise internally and eternally related to the job assignments as well as other adversarial legal proceedings such as arbitrations, meditations and administrative law proceedings.

• Identify, support, and monitors legal activities related to potential and on-going litigation, manpower, procurement and operational legal matters.


• Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Law

• Minimum 5 years of experience in related field

• Past working record in oil and gas industry or law firm

• Preferably if holds PERADI advocate license

• Preferable if holds PTK 007 Competence Certificate

• English proficiency in both writing and speaking.

• Fast knowledge on Oil & Gas related regulations.

• Fast learner, high confidence, independent and reliable.

If you meet the above specified minimum requirements please mail or email your latest resume with recent photo no later than 2 weeks after this publication by indicating the position title on the email subject header to:




Selalu WASPADA terhadap segala tindak PENIPUAN dan kesalahan informasi tertentu mengenai iklan rekrutmen. Kami tidak pernah meminta pelamar atau kandidat untuk menggunakan layanan agen perjalanan tertentu untuk mengatur transportasi dan akomodasi, serta pembayaran apa pun selama proses pendaftaran dan seleksi".

"Bagi teman-teman di harapkan agar membaca profil perusahaan, kualifikasi serta jobdesk posisi yang di butuhkan oleh perusahaan".

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat, berhasil dan sukses bagi para pejuang yang sedang mencari kerja. Silahkan berbagi ke teman dan kerabat yang membutuhkan.