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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Bormindo Nusantara 13 Posisi (Crew Rig)

PT Bormindo Nusantara (BN) is an oil drilling services contractor established in 1981 with specialization in onshore oil and gas rigs in Indonesia. With an experience more than 30 years BN is ready to diversify to provides comprehensive services related to drilling, i.e. drilling services, workover and well management, integrated project management services equipment and supplies rental, as well as workforce training services. Drilling services are currently conducted with 10 (ten) highspecification rigs that are owned by BN. BN also provide various drilling-related services; among other are high-pressured well control equipment, special drilling pipes, drilling recording and monitoring system, top drive drilling, and equipment rig transfer. BN also provides workover services and well management. This allows service users to make any intervention necessary to oil wells or other well management.

In 1984, new shareholders joined Bormindo to strengthen the company. A significant milestone was achieved when Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI), the biggest single oil producer in Indonesia at that time, awarded a five-year contract to Bormindo to provide three rigs for drilling and work-over services. One of the rigs was a heli-rig specially designed for exploratory wells with no access for land transportation.

Since its early days, Bormindo has developed into the benchmark for onshore oil-well drilling and work-over services in Indonesia. As at 2006, the company's fleet had grown to 11 operating onshore rigs operating, representing over 10% of available rigs in Indonesia.

In 2007, PT. Bormindo Nusantara was acquired by new shareholders, who plan to take Bormindo to new heights of quality and growth in the years ahead to become a world class company in drilling and work-over services provider.

In 2013 until 2014 becoming a good year for PT Bormindo Nusantara (BN), where business fluctuations of the Company’s subsidiary are closely correlated to the world oil price, which led to increasing cash flows for BN in 2013-2014.  Given recent price increases of crude oil, BN considers that the demand for oil and gas drilling and work-over services will increase overall so that can improved BN’s liquidity and cashflow condition. With that situation, the company's fleet had grown up from 11 to 14 operating onshore rigs in 2014.

We're Hiring
Lowongan Kerja PT Bormindo Nusantara

Saat ini PT Bormindo Nusantara kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan di tempatkan.


1. Accounting & Tax Foreman

2. IT Support

3. Materialman

4. Admin Maintenance

5. Electric

6. Mechanic

7. Welder

8. Specialist Overhaul

9. Motorman

10. Roustabout

11. Toolpusher

12. Driller

13. Derrickman


• Memiliki gelar Sarjana Akuntansi (1), D3 Teknik Komputer (2), SMU sederajat (3-13)

• Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun (11-13), minimal 2 tahun (1,2,4), minimal 1 tahun (1,5-10) di bidang yang sama pada perusahaan kontraktor oil & gas dan sejenisnya

• Memiliki sertifikat brevet AB (1), memiliki sertifikat las lebih disukai (7), memiliki sertifikat AP3 dan IADC (11), memiliki sertifikat JB (12), memiliki sertifikat OMB, TKBT TK II (13)

• Keterampilan sistem dan komputer, Ms. Office tingkat lanjut (Excel, Powerpoint, Access,) dan sistem ERP (1,2,4)

• Memahami operasi sistem windows dan linux lebih disukai (2)

• Kompetensi yang dibutuhkan: administrasi (1,4), beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang cepat, jujur, disiplin, teliti, inisiatif, cermat dan cekatan (1-13)

• Familiar dengan kegiatan dan pengenalan akan barang barang di industri oil & gas dan kegiatan harian di operasional

• Penempatan di Office/Yard Duri (1-4), Rig Site (5-13)

Bagi Anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan kirimkan surat lamaran beserta CV dan dokumen pelengkap lainnya ke alamat email berikut:


Subject email: Kode Posisi_Nama Anda



Selalu WASPADA terhadap segala tindak PENIPUAN dan kesalahan informasi tertentu mengenai iklan rekrutmen. Kami tidak pernah meminta pelamar atau kandidat untuk menggunakan layanan agen perjalanan tertentu untuk mengatur transportasi dan akomodasi, serta pembayaran apa pun selama proses pendaftaran dan seleksi".

"Bagi teman-teman di harapkan agar membaca profil perusahaan, kualifikasi serta jobdesk posisi yang di butuhkan oleh perusahaan".

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat, berhasil dan sukses bagi para pejuang yang sedang mencari kerja. Silahkan berbagi ke teman dan kerabat yang membutuhkan.