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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Adaro Energy Tbk 28 Posisi

PT Adaro Energy Tbk dan anak-anak perusahaannya dibidang pertambangan dan perdagangan batu bara, usaha logistik dan infrastruktur batubara, jasa kontraktor pertambangan, dan konstruksi & pengelolaan pembangkit listrik. Melalui anak perusahaan Adaro Indonesia, perusahaan ini mengoperasikan sebuah konsesi di Kalimantan Selatan (lokasi pertambangan utama Adaro Energy) melibatkan tiga tambang: Tutupan, Wara dan Paringin. Batu bara yang diproduksi di tambang-tambang ini sebagian besar disuplai ke pembangkit-pembangkit tenaga listrik kelas tinggi baik di Indonesia maupun di seluruh dunia. Adaro Energy juga memiliki aset-aset pertambangan di Sumatra Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah dan Kalimantan Timur.

Perusahaan ini, yang memulai kegiatan komersilnya di Indonesia pada tahun 1992, adalah salah satu dari lima eksportir tebesar untuk pengiriman batu bara termal dunia via laut dan suplier terbesar untuk pasar domestik Indonesia. Adaro Energy menghasilkan batu bara tipe sub-bituminous yang dikenal dengan nama Envirocoal.

Karena industri pertambangan batubara telah diterpa harga batubara rendah sejak akhir tahun 2000-an, Adaro Energy semakin terfokus pada sektor pembangkit listrik melalui pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga batu bara. Mengingat perusahaan ini mempunyai akses ke cadangan batu bara yang besar dan permintaan Indonesia untuk listrik makin naik, segmen bisnis pembangkit listrik diharapkan menjadi aset berharga bagi Adaro Energy karena menyediakan pendapatan dan arus kas yang stabil, mengimbangi dampak negatif dari harga batu bara yang volatil.

We're Hiring
Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Tbk

Saat ini PT Adaro Energy Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan di tempatkan.


1. Fa Compliance Officer

Job Responsibilities :

• Developing Finance Accounting policies and SOPs that will serve as guidance for the execution of operational activities.

• Ensuring financial and accounting business processes align with SOPs for Finance & Accounting and applicable accounting standards.

• Ensuring operational transactions are conducted in accordance with prevailing policies and legal regulations, and coordinating with relevant functions from other divisions.

• Monitoring developments in regulations and/or policies within the Adaro Group to ensure transaction compliance with those regulations and/or policies.

• Conducting reviews of new regulations and/or policy changes that may impact financial and accounting operational transactions.

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor Degree in Accounting, min GPA 3.0

• Min 3-5 years of working experience as Finance & Accounting Compliance

• Strong competencies in Financial & Accounting Control, Financial Planning & BUdgeting, and Finance Accounting Business Process

• Preferably has experience in preparing SOPs and monitoring term sheets

• Good communication skill

2. Secretary

Job Responsibilities :

• Supports administrative activities that related task & function in related Division

• Performs secretarial tasks for Division, such as to manage incoming and outcoming document as well as maintaining a good record of documents, arrangement meeting and business trip in related Division.

• Administering correspondence, logistics, and personnel departments in related Division

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Diploma 3 (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Secretary or Business Administration & Management.

• Have minimum 3 years of work experience as Secretary – in Corporate would be preferable.

• Have good communication and interpersonal skills

• Required Competencies : Secretarial, Document Management and Office Administration

3. Safety System & Compliance Supervisor

Job Responsibilities :

• Providing guidance and coaching to business units within the Adaro Group to establish a Workplace Safety Management System, ensuring compliance with international standards.

• Conducting training and awareness sessions on the Workplace Safety Management System for business units within the Adaro Group.

• Monitoring developments in regulations and/or policies within the Adaro Group to ensure transaction compliance with those regulations and/or policies.

• Conducting reviews of new regulations and/or policy changes that may impact financial and accounting operational transactions.

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor Degree in Accounting, min GPA 3.0

• Min 3-5 years of working experience as Finance & Accounting Compliance

• Strong competencies in Financial & Accounting Control, Financial Planning & BUdgeting, and Finance Accounting Business Process

• Preferably has experience in preparing SOPs and monitoring term sheets

• Good communication skill

2. Secretary

Job Responsibilities :

• Supports administrative activities that related task & function in related Division

• Performs secretarial tasks for Division, such as to manage incoming and outcoming document as well as maintaining a good record of documents, arrangement meeting and business trip in related Division.

• Administering correspondence, logistics, and personnel departments in related Division

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Diploma 3 (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Secretary or Business Administration & Management.

• Have minimum 3 years of work experience as Secretary – in Corporate would be preferable.

• Have good communication and interpersonal skills

• Required Competencies : Secretarial, Document Management and Office Administration

3. Safety System & Compliance Supervisor

Job Responsibilities :

• Providing guidance and coaching to business units within the Adaro Group to establish a Workplace Safety Management System, ensuring compliance with international standards.

• Conducting training and awareness sessions on the Workplace Safety Management System for business units within the Adaro Group.

• Regularly reviewing and developing a register of general workplace safety regulations, relevant requirements, and safety best practices to provide up-to-date information to support the operations of business units within the Adaro Group.

• Developing awareness programs on applicable workplace safety regulations to ensure that HSE teams in business units within the Adaro Group have a proper understanding and perspective on these regulations.

• Analyzing and evaluating the results of workplace safety compliance audits in business units within the Adaro Group, and planning corrective actions to ensure compliance with applicable HSE regulations.

• Actively participating in the workplace safety management system audit process as per the established audit program in business units within the Adaro Group, ensuring alignment with regulations, international standards, best practices, and Adaro Group policies.

• Identifying audit results related to the Workplace Safety Management System in business units within the Adaro Group and providing or facilitating technical assistance for addressing findings to ensure effective follow-up.

• Guiding business units through the external certification audit process to ensure its effectiveness.

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering.

• 5 years of experience in Mine Safety.

• Advanced competencies in Safety Management System, Technical Knowledge & Skills related to mining and energy, and Business Process Management.

• Strong communication and leadership skills.

• Good command in English both Oral & Written.

4. Pdca Section Head

Job Responsibilities :

• Merencanakan, menyusun dan mengatur strategi perusahaan yang dituangkan dalam activitas PDAC dan

• Managment Improvement, yang mencakup sistem Quality Improvement dan proses activity perusahan yang tercontrol dengan baik.

• Menyusun CoE (Calender Of Event ) For Board Of Director dan masing-masing directorate

• Menyiapkan laporan KPI masing-masing directorate, menyiapkan materi presentasi KPI secara lengkap

• Memfasilitasi Continuous Improvement Programs (CIP) di masing-masing Direktorat dan menyiapkan CIPLaporan pemantauan implementasi sehingga kemajuan implementasi dapat terpantau dengan baik.

• Melaksanakan fungsi sebagai perwakilan Komite Keselamatan Pertambangan & Lingkungan, misalnya memastikansiklus proses PDCA untuk HSE

Job Requirements :

• Minimal S1 any major from leading universities in Indonesia with minimal GPA 3:00

• Have minimal 5 years experience as as PDCA

• Having knowledge about mining activities.

• Have strong communication and interpersonal skills.

• Having the ability Writing & Reporting skill.

5. Procurement Staff (Site)

Job Responsibilities :

• Verify purchase orders with received goods

• Coordinate delivery issues and assist procurement documents administration

• Monitor contract validity

• Handle end-to-end sourcing processes

• Visit project sites occasionally

• Evaluate suppliers performance and quality as well as buyer for ASL and HAL related goods/services

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor degree in any major

• Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

• Strong communication, willing to learn and demonstrate strong integrity, initiative, and resourceful

• Willing to be placed in Adaro Site, Tanjung

6. Procurement Staff

Job Responsibilities :

• Ensure compliance with project standards

• Supervise the quality and quantity of goods/services

• Update vendors’ legal document and Monitor legal compliances

• Present periodic reports

• Oversee Bank Guarantees and cooperation deadlines

• Execute end-to-end sourcing for small-scale projects, MRO, and Goods Receive Process

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor in Economics, Business, Engineering, or any major equivalent

• Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

• Strong communication skills, demonstrate strong integrity, initiative, and resourceful

• Willing to travel to Adaro Sites

7. Fuel Transport Foreman

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Diploma Degree of Port and Shipping Management, Nautical or Petroleum Engineer

• Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position in marine industry or other similar industries.

• Have an excellent negotiation skill

• Preferably Basic Oil & Chemical Tanker or Advance Oil Tanker certified

• Familiar with ISM code implementation.

8. Project Engineer

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Bachelor Degree of Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture or Marine Certification (ATT II)

• Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position in Shipping Industry, Shipyard Industry, or other similar industries.

• Familiar with ISM code implementation.

• Able to read and analyze technical drawing.

• Knowledge in Ship’s technical and engineering systems.

• Good command in English both oral and written.

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan (non roster)

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.

9. Port Engineer

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Bachelor Degree of Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture or Marine Certification (ATT II)

• Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position in Shipping Industry, Shipyard Industry, or other similar industries.

• Familiar with ISM code implementation.

• Able to read and analyze technical drawing.

• Marine Crane, Diesel Engines, Basic Electrical, Ship’s technical and engineering systems.

• Good command in English both oral and written.

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan (non roster)

10. Fleet Electrical Engineer

Job Requirements :

• Minimum bachelor degree (S1) of Electrical Engineering

• Minimum 5 years of experience as Electrical Supervisor preferably experience in Shipping / Marine Industry or other similar industries.

• Able to give technical solutions to problems in the field.

• Knowledge in Ship & Crane Electricity

• Familiar with MS Office & AutoCAD.

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan (non roster).

11. Operation Department Head

Job Requirements :

• Minimum bachelor’s degree (S1/S2) of Marine Transport Management/ Nautical/ Marine Engineering.

• Minimum 5 years of experience in the same or related position in Fuel Transporter, Shipping or other similar industries.

• For Nautica, minimum 5 years of sea service as Master on board.

• Capable in building good communication with customer & external parties.

• Understanding about ISM code implementation.

• Good command in English both oral and written.

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan (non roster).

12. Auditor

Job Responsibilities :

• Implement the internal audit process in accordance with the plans that have been prepared by superiors.

• Running the company’s internal audit process both technically and financially sustainable and operationally.

• Coordinate preparedness auditee / departments in preparing the completeness of the report to be audited as well as an audit of the report.

• Formulate and provide input troubleshooting audit findings by analyzing precise and accurate.

• Monitor and evaluate the results of internal audits and coordinate with employers in preparing the proposed solutions for the findings.

• Coordinate with external audit institutions required for the smooth audit firm.

Job Requirements :

•Minimal S1 majoring Accounting, Industrial Engineering, Mining Engineering, Geological Engineering from leading universities in Indonesia with minimal GPA 3:00

• Have minimal 4 years experience as Auditor, preferably from Public Accounting Firm or Mining company

• Having knowledge of the auditor and mining activities.

• Have strong communication and interpersonal skills.

• Having the ability Writing & Reporting skill.

• Willing to be placed in Kalimantan Selatan

13. Health & Safety Section Head

Job Responsibilities :

• Ensuring the implementation of government regulations is well implemented in the company’s operational activities, including: HSE management system, SMKP and mining operational safety as well as other standards (ISO, OHSAS, etc.).

• Carry out environmental operations in accordance with established procedures and applicable regulations.

• Ensuring the company complies with government regulations related to the environment.

• Ensure that the management of liquid waste & B3 is carried out in accordance with the regulations set by the government.

• Ensure the availability of data and reports related to HSE as material for corporate accountability to the government and stakeholders

Job Requirements :

•Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering

• Min 5 years experience in the same position

• Understand the implementation and audit of SMKP, SMK3

• Have competence in the field of reclamation, liquid waste management & B3

• Understanding Health & Safety in the coal operational process business

• Having POM will be a plus

• Willing to be placed in Lahat, South Sumatra

14. External Relation Section Head

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) graduate majoring in Law / Social Science / Economic Management.

• Minimum 5 years of working experience in similar position.

• Have experience in liaising with various stakeholders.

• Have a good communication & negotiation skills.

• Have a good understanding about laws & regulations related to mining permits.

• Willing to be placed in Lahat, Sumatera Selatan

15. Permit License & Land Management Supervisor

Job Responsibilities :

• Ensuring and carrying out the company’s activities in compliance with the regulations determined by the law and other regulations

• Responsible for making a monitoring system for all permits that must be fulfilled

• Ensuring that the company’s operations have complied with the regulations determined by the law and other regulations

• Negotiating and approaching communities around mining

Job Requirements :

• S1 Law, Social Sciences, Economics Management

• Minimum 3 years experience in the same position

• Understanding of Legislations related to Mining Permits,

• Understand the Land Management system

• Willing to be placed in Lahat, South Sumatra

16. Port Captain

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1/D4) of Nautical or held ANT III

• Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position in shipping or other similar industries

• Minimum 5 years of sea service, and 1 year as Master on board in oil tanker

• Able to minimize loss cargo efficiently

• Understanding about vetting PSA (Pertamina Safety Approval), and ISM & ISPS code implementation

• Good command in English both oral and written

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.

17. HR Officer

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) of Psychology or Management or Law or related

• Minimum 3 years experience in HRGA, preferably experience in HR Operations in Fuel or Coal Industry

• Having experience in recruitment & selection management, and office administration

• Having experience using the SAP system is a plus

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.

18. Mine Planning Engineer

Job Responsibilities :

• Make short-term mining priority scheduling Pit and Disposal

• Create an effective transportation route for mining materials

• Make a Forecast according to the production plan

• Create a mine design (Pit, Disposal, Infrastructure)

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering

• Minimum 2 years of experience

• Proficient in Mining Software (Minescape, Minex)

• Have knowledge about K3LH

19. Revegetation Maintenance Supervisor

Job Responsibilities :

• Supervise plantation and nursery activities in Revegetation Department

• Manage K3LH hazards or risks, carry out inspections, testing, and create reports based on the test result

• Create weekly and monthly reports for Revegetation department

Job Requirements :

° Bachelor Degree in Agriculture, Forestry, or any major equivalent

• Have minimum 3 years’ experience in revegetation activities

• Obtain POP certification and able to understand geospatial information

• Strong leadership, problem solving, and time management skills

• Critical, analytical, and innovative person

• Able to work in team for Revegetation or Plantation operational

• Willing to work in Adaro Site Tabalong

20. Finance & Accounting Staff

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting or equivalent

• Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply

• Have at least 1 year of experience as Accounting/Finance Staff

• Understand the work process in the Finance & Accounting department along with an understanding of related regulations

• Understand Account Receivable Management, Account Payable Management, Accounting Control, etc

• Willing to be placed in Kalimantan Selatan or any Adaro Land Job sites

21. Finance & Accounting Officer

Job Requirements :

• S1 Accounting or equivalent.

• Have at least 5 years experience as Accounting Staff/Supervisor.

• Understand the work process in the Finance & Accounting department along with an understanding of related regulations.

• Understand Account Receivable Management, Account Payable Management, Accounting Control, etc

22. Biomass Resources Supervisor

Job Responsibilities :

• Create plans for plantation, maintenance, and harvesting activities in Biomass Department

• Conduct plantation and maintenance activities for Biomass Department

• Provide clear instructions based on agronomy knowledge to make sure plantation activities achieve good growth and quality according to target

• Harvest and deliver raw materials to Biomass Factory

• Create daily, weekly, and monthly report

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor Degree in Agriculture, Forestry, or any major equivalent

• Have minimum 2 years’ experience in Agriculture or Forestry company

• Equipped the knowledge of Plant Cultivation Management, Fertility Analysis, Plants and Pests

• Have strong communication skills, leadership, teamwork, data analysis, and detail oriented

• Willing to work in Adaro Site Tanjung, Kalimantan Selatan

23. Field Regular Monitoring Foreman

Job Responsibilities :

• Monitoring the process of handling and management of domestic waste, hydrocarbon and TPS B3 waste should be in accordance with the provisions and regulations

• Distribute recommendations handling disturbance environment to colleagues / related sector and monitoring the recovery process

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor Degree of Environmental/Chemical Engineering

• Minimum 3 years work experience in mining / research institutes

• Have experienced of supervising B3

• Have experience as a water/air sampling officer

• Certified POP

• Have knowledge about K3LH

24. Environmental Sustainability Program Supervisor

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering

• Minimum 3 years experience in HSE Compliace

• Have experience in operational project

• Have knowledge about K3LH

• Certified POP

25. Supervisor Assessment & Monitoring

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major

• Minimum 2 years of working experience as CSR Coordinator / PDCA Coordinator

• Proven track record in running CSR Concept & Strategic and Project Management skills

• Good Supervisory & Monitoring skill, Managing Social Intervention & Public Relation activities

• Have experience and knowledge related to Assessment Skill

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan

26. Supervisor HRGA, IT & HSE

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor Degree in Psychology / related majors

• Min 2 years of working experience as HRGA Coordinator

• Have strong skills in the HR field (recruitment and selection, Talent Management, Remuneration

• Management, Industrial Relations, and Office Administration)

• Good CSR Concept & Strategic and Project Management skills

• Good Supervisory & Monitoring skill

• Have experience and knowledge related to Health, Safety and Environment

• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan

27. Staff Program

Job Requirements :

• Bachelor Degree from all major

• Min 1 year experience as CSR Staff

• Strong competencies in CSR Concept & Strategic, Project Management, Supervision & Monitoring skill,

• Managing Social Intervention, Community Awareness, Public Relation, and Government Relation

• Willing to be placed in Kalimantan Selatan

28. Secretary

Job Responsibilities :

• Organizing, preparing, and coordinating schedules for meetings and activities of the Board of Director.

• Planning travel schedules and preparing facilities/resources for Board of Director activities.

• Maintaining confidentiality of documentation and information related to all activities of superiors.

• Managing company letters, documents, and invoices according to applicable procedures requiring Board of Director approval, ensuring that all letters/documents are up-to-date.

• Managing the storage of Board of Director meeting minutes for easy retrieval by superiors and ensuring that the minutes are up-to-date.

• Drafting letters, memos, and minutes related to the Board of Directors, addressed to internal and external parties, to ensure all relevant parties understand information.

• Managing Petty Cash to support the needs of the Board of Directors’ activities and preparing accurate and periodic reports for superiors.

Job Requirements :

• Minimum Diploma 3 (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Secretary or Business Administration & Management.

• Have minimum 3 years of work experience as Secretary – in Corporate would be preferable.

• Have good communication and interpersonal skills.

• Required Competencies: Secretarial, Document Management and Office Administration

• Good command of English both Oral & Written.

• Ability in Mandarin would be an advantage.

Bagi Anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran online berikut:




Selalu WASPADA terhadap segala tindak PENIPUAN dan kesalahan informasi tertentu mengenai iklan rekrutmen. Kami tidak pernah meminta pelamar atau kandidat untuk menggunakan layanan agen perjalanan tertentu untuk mengatur transportasi dan akomodasi, serta pembayaran apa pun selama proses pendaftaran dan seleksi".

"Bagi teman-teman di harapkan agar membaca profil perusahaan, kualifikasi serta jobdesk posisi yang di butuhkan oleh perusahaan".

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat, berhasil dan sukses bagi para pejuang yang sedang mencari kerja. Silahkan berbagi ke teman dan kerabat yang membutuhkan.