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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Supraco Indonesia 10 Posisi | Februari 2024

rumahnyaloker.com (Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Supraco Indonesia SMA, SMK, Diploma, Sarjana, Januari 2024) - Salah satu jurusan yang dianggap memiliki prospek kerja menjanjikan adalah Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan. Pada jurusan ini kamu akan diajarkan tentang ilmu eksploitasi dan eksplorasi sumber daya alam.

Fokus kajian keilmuan Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan adalah pada tambang minyak bumi, panas bumi, dan gas alam. Hal tersebut tidak terlalu jauh berbeda dengan kajian Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan yakni seputar pengeboran, eksplorasi, dan distribusi.

Perbedaan kedua jurusan tersebut adalah pada objeknya. Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan mengkaji tentang penambangan benda padat seperti batu bara, emas, nikel, aspal, dan lain-lain, sementara Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan mengkaji tentang tentang penambangan benda cair (fluida) dan gas.

Lowongan Kerja PT Supraco Indonesia

PT Supraco Indonesia (SPC) berdiri pada 1979 dengan nama PT Summa Prakasa untuk menyediakan layanan lokal perusahaan migas asing di Indonesia. Layanan yang disediakan diringkas ke dalam bisnis online berikut: Operasi Dukungan, Konstruksi, Badan, Marine & Lepas Pantai, dan Pengembangan Energi terutama di daerah dukungan operasi. PT. Supraco Indonesia (SPC) menetapkan reputasi sebagai salah satu pemain terkemuka di industri migas Indonesia yang melayani perusahaan seperti Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Chevron Geothermal, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, TOTAL E & P, Schlumberger, Amerada Hess, Transocean, Kangean Energy dan banyak lainnya .

Saat ini PT Supraco Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan di tempatkan.


1. Drilling and Workover Engineer (DWE)


• Indonesian passport holder only.

• Bachelor’s degree graduate in Petroleum Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from reputable University. Master’s degree is a plus.

• Min. of 4 years’ experience in upstream oil and gas for onshore drilling engineering andoperations.

• Experience in Designing Exploration, Appraisal, and Production wells.

• Experience in Rig Operations during Drilling and completion

• Experience in Tendering for Onshore Drilling contracts

• Proficient in Well Control, committed to safe, environmentally sound well construction.

• Competent in: Well Control and Well Control Equipment, Directional Drilling Operations, Liner Hanger Design and Installation Operations, Wellhead and Downhole Equipment, Cementing Operations, Onshore Rig Operations

• Have a good working knowledge of Oil and Gas Operations Activities

• Knowledge of Drilling operations, Understanding in Casing Design and Drilling Engineering, Preparing AFE Budget.

• Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

• Proficient in using computers (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Project).



• Indonesian passport holder/ citizen with max. 45 years old.

• Min.Diploma (D3)degree in engineering (electrical or mechanical is preferred) from reputable university.

• Min. 8 years field experience related with Electric Submersible Pumping/ ESP.

• Having knowledge and experience of ESP products originating from Schlumberger.

• Strong HSE culture and Familiar working based on SOP.

• Good knowledge on computer literacy for ESP system equipment selection and sizing applications.

• Able for installation, testing, commissioning, troubleshoot, maintenance, repairing and dismantling of downhole & surface ESP system (ESP unit, downhole sensor, cable, cable penetrator, VSD, transformer, etc.)

• Able to monitor ESP system performance, investigate problem and problem solving.

• Able to give technical recommendation to improve ESP system performance.

• Able to review and give input on ESP design & WO/WS procedure.

• Able to assist and supervise WS/ WO job and have experience on rig floor operation.

• Familiar with well completion equipment (packer, Y tool, shroud, etc.)

• Able doing inventory, ordering and QC of equipment, tool and consumable related to ESP & well completion.

• Able to carry out technical evaluation of tenders or purchasing.

• Able and willing to give training, sharing knowledge and experience regarding ESP & related equipment to another employee.

• Have good relationship with ESP company and always update ESP technology.

• Able to make structured reports.

• Able to communicate in Bahasa and English, both oral and written.



• Indonesian passport holder/ citizen with max.45 years old.

• Min. High school diploma with engineering background from reputable institution or university.

• Having valid relevant professional certification.

• Min.10 years field experience related with workover, wellhead, wellsite operations, etc.

• Strong HSE culture and Familiar working based on SOP.

• Able to communicate in Bahasa and English, both oral and written.

• Hardworking, detail oriented & able to work in a team, dynamic and pro-active.

• Willing to be placed in Bula Field, Seram Island, East of Indonesia with on call basis schedule.



• Indonesian passport holder/ citizen with max. 50 years old.

• Min. bachelor’s degree in engineering/ Technical/ Occupational Health and Safety or Environmental



• D3 Minimum 5 years experienced in operations of Petrochemical or Oil/Gas Plants

• S1\Bachelor Minimum 3 years experienced in operations and/or operation engineering (Petrochemical or Oil/Gas industry)

• Having certificate : OPA, Operator ; OPM, Operator Madya

• Proficient in basic computer skills for access to company documentation and time keeping systems

• Familiar with maintaining and ensuring the entire Gas Plant equipment and system facilities

• Familiar with proposing work plan and schedule for routine and non-routine activities

• Placement in Grissik, Suban, Rawa



• Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) or equivalent education. Less formal education may be compensated with documented relevant experience.

• At least 5 years of experience in oil and gas facilities with 3 years direct exposure on engineering construction projects.

• Having familiar with applicable Codes and Standards generally use for construction of piping, pipeline structure, mechanical, etc. and construction best practices.

• Being familiar with Construction Management practices.

• Familiar with safety and risk assessment for safe project execution.

• Familiar with documents for preparation execution and close out project.

• Familiar with company standard specifications, international and Indonesian

• codes and standards and all applicable Indonesian government regulations pertaining to oil and gas production facilities.

• Good working knowledge of construction of piping and mechanical and fain in construction best practices.

• Experience and good skills of planning and budgeting

• Fluent in written and spoken English

• Placement in Grissik



• Min. D3 /S1 in Electrical / Instrumentation Engineering Experienced in electrical Equipment maintenance 10 years in similar position

• Electrical Migas certification

• Has working experience 10 years, included 7 years in Oil & Gas or Petrochemical Industry

• Has Positive attitude, adaptive and respectful of their team

• Has a strong teamwork skill; good communication and leadership

• Has familiar with English written and verbal

• Has familiar with occupational and process safety

• Experienced in Field Devices, troubleshoot for (Motor, transformer, switchgear, MCC, Generator & Lighting facilities

• Experienced in calibration Relay protection for electrical safety device system

• Experienced and understanding in Control and Measurement resistance value of grounding bonding system

• Experienced and understanding in Safety Lightning protection device and Circuit breaker system

• Experienced and understanding in Electrical wiring design System

• Excellent to reading technical drawing; single line diagram, loop drawing 8 schematic diagram.

• Familiar with Forcing / Bypassed / Override / inhibited

• Experienced or have good knowledge in electrical Equipment maintenance (Main Circuit Control, panel System, Switchgear Transformer ‚Generator and Motor drive.)

• Experienced Fire alarm systems.

• Experienced in maintaining and troubleshooting UPS

• Familiar with synchronizing power generators

• Placement in Musi Banyuasin (Rawa Field)



• S1 graduate in environmental and safety, occupational health & safety or environmental engineering or related discipline.

• 10+ years’ experience in safeguards role (HSE knowledge would be an advantage)

• Experince in preparation and/or supervision environmental and social safeguards document under government regulation and international funding (WB, IFC and ADB etc) consist of ESIA, stakeholder engagement plan, grievance redrees mechanism etc. Also has been involved in due dilligence, implementation and monitoring would be an advantage.

• Experience of working in civil construction and drilling environments

• Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken.



• Min D3 in Mechanical Engineering

• Min 3 - 7 years in the Petrochemical, Oil and Gas related industry

• Experienced in Mechanical Rotating or Stationaru Equipment maintenance

• Effective Communication skills

• Fluent in English oral and written

• Strong interpersonal skill

• Able to work under pressure

• Strong in problem solving and decision making

• Placement at Grissik, Suban, Rawa



• Min D3 in Physical or Electrical Engineering

• Min 3 - 7 years in the Petrochemical, Oil and Gas related industry

• Interpret Technical Drawing

• Certified as Inspektur Katup Pengaman

• Certified as Teknisi Instrumentasi dan Kalibrasi

• Fluent in English oral and written

• Basic computer skills are required for access to company documentation and time keeping systems

• Effective Communication skills

• Strong interpersonal skills

• Able to work under pressure

• Strong in problem solving and decision making

• Placement at Grissik, Suban, Rawa

Bagi anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan kirimkan surat lamaran beserta CV dan dokumen pelengkap lainnya ke alamat email berikut:

recruitment@supraco.com, atau recruitment@supraco.net (kita sedang transisi dari supraco.com ke supraco.net)


Mohon CV yang dikirim sesuai dengan requirement yang tertulis lengkap dengan dokumen terkait. Dan bila tidak keberatan mohon CV ditandatangani sebagai validitas isinya.

Dan untuk lowongan kerja lainnya [KLIK DISINI]


Sebuah Tips:

Bagi fresh graduate, menjalani proses wawancara atau interview kerja bukan ha mudah. Pasti kamu akan merasakan kondisi dimana ketegangan, grogi hingga kurang percaya diri. Bila tidak dipersiapkan secara baik, maka interview kerja bagi pemula akan menjadi kurang maksimal. Oleh sebab itu, alangkah baiknya jika kamu mengetahui tips dan trik ampuh agar sukses dalam wawancara kerja.

• Pelajari jawaban wawancara untuk setiap pertanyaan dengan matang

• Pelajari dan pahami curriculum vitae

• Tunjukkan antusiasme saat wawancara

• Cari informasi mengenai perusahaan

• Sesuaikan penampilan

• Pahami jobdesc atau tugas pada posisi yang kamu incar

• Istirahat dan jaga kesehatan

Wawancara merupakan langkah awal perusahaan untuk mendapatkan kandidat pekerja dengan kualifikasi dan keterampilan yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan perusahaan. Interview bukan untuk menentukan mana kandidat yang bagus dan jelek. Jadi, kamu hanya perlu melakukan persiapan maksimal dengan mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin, ya. Jika wawancaramu belum berhasil, jangan patah semangat dan terus mencoba untuk meraih karir impianmu.

Selalu WASPADA terhadap segala tindak PENIPUAN dan kesalahan informasi tertentu mengenai iklan rekrutmen. Kami tidak pernah meminta pelamar atau kandidat untuk menggunakan layanan agen perjalanan tertentu untuk mengatur transportasi dan akomodasi, serta pembayaran apa pun selama proses pendaftaran dan seleksi".

"Bagi teman-teman di harapkan agar membaca profil perusahaan, kualifikasi serta jobdesk posisi yang di butuhkan oleh perusahaan".

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat, berhasil dan sukses bagi para pejuang yang sedang mencari kerja. Silahkan berbagi ke teman dan kerabat yang membutuhkan.