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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Petrosea Tbk 34 Posisi

Petrosea is a multi-disciplinary contract mining, engineering, procurement & construction and oil & gas services company that is fully committed to prioritize the aspects of ESG as a continuation of the Company’s sustainability strategy.

With a track record of achievement for over 52 years, we offer a competitive advantage through our ability to provide complete pit-to-port mining solutions, integrated engineering, procurement and construction capabilities as well as logistic support, whilst demonstrating absolute commitment to safety, health & environment, quality management and business integrity. In 2019, Petrosea was selected by the World Economic Forum as the only mining company and the only Indonesian owned company to join the Global Lighthouse Network due to our success in implementing Industry 4.0 technologies.

Established in 1972, Petrosea is committed to adhering to sound principles of corporate governance and has adopted corporate governance practices that support the effective functioning of our Management and all elements as a public listed company.

By applying the principles of good corporate governance, we ensure that our company is accountable, independent and transparent for both our internal and external stakeholders.

Petrosea has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX: PTRO) since 1990 and was the first publicly listed Indonesian engineering and construction company in Indonesia. Petrosea is supported by its main shareholder, PT Caraka Reksa Optima, an Indonesian company that carries out its business in the fields of financial and insurance activities, as well as professional, scientific and technical activities.

Saat ini PT Petrosea Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan di tempatkan.


1. Senior Mechanical Estimator

2. QC Fabrication Supervisor - PSF Workshop

3. Maintenance Supervisor - PSF Workshop

4. Supervisor Project Accountant

5. Maintenance Planner - BSL

6. Mechanic Supervisor

7. Site Support Supervisor

8. Mining Engineer

9. SHE Officer

10. Project Cost Control

11. FMS Engineer

12. Surveyor

13. Senior Project Engineer - BP

14. Production Engineer

15. Trainer Operator

16. Marine Pilot Lead

17. Mine Engineer - Vale Pomalaa

18. Sustainability Manager

19. Construction Manager

20. Electrical Engineering Lead

21. Field Engineering Manager - West Papua

22. Earthwork Foreman

23. SAP Finance Expert

24. Contract Superintendent - BP

25. Planning Superintendent

26. Senior Planner

27. Construction Manager

28. Earthwork Supervisor

29. QA/QC Coordinator - DBK

30. QC Inspector (E/I) - West Papua

31. QA/QC Engineer - DBK

32. Project Accountant Superintendent

33. Rebuild Supervisor - PSF Workshop

34. Commercial Legal Lead

Bagi Anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran online berikut:


Selalu WASPADA terhadap segala tindak PENIPUAN dan kesalahan informasi tertentu mengenai iklan rekrutmen. Kami tidak pernah meminta pelamar atau kandidat untuk menggunakan layanan agen perjalanan tertentu untuk mengatur transportasi dan akomodasi, serta pembayaran apa pun selama proses pendaftaran dan seleksi".

"Bagi teman-teman di harapkan agar membaca profil perusahaan, kualifikasi serta jobdesk posisi yang di butuhkan oleh perusahaan".

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat, berhasil dan sukses bagi para pejuang yang sedang mencari kerja. Silahkan berbagi ke teman dan kerabat yang membutuhkan.