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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Bakrie Construction Maret 2025

Bakrie Construction (formerly Trans Bakrie) was established in 1985 as a Joint Venture between two private companies, Bakrie & Brothers of Indonesia and Transfield of Australia. Initial shares holdings were 51% Transfield and 49% Bakrie & Brothers. Over the years and in accordance with JV agreement the share distribution was changed to 51% Bakrie & Brothers and 49% Transfield. Due to decline in construction industry between 1997 and 2002, Transfield sold their construction divisions world wide and as the consequence sold their shares in Trans Bakrie. As the result of having 100% ownership, the company change the name to Bakrie Construction in 2003.

Since their inception Bakrie Construction has been focused in building an excellent international reputation in the fabrication and construction field among their clients and has today. Diversified its product range from being a bridge fabricator to focus on the fabrication and construction of modular products, an EPC Contractor and Offshore Constructions Services provider and today is one of the market leader in South East Asia fabrication business.

Operating a heavy industrial steel fabrication facility located in Sumuranja, Merak-Banten, approximately 130km from Jakarta, Indonesia, Bakrie Construction’s capability with respect to heavy fabrication, yard assembly and modularisation and EPC contracting is well recognized internationally. Having experienced management, administration, fabrication, constructions, personnel, resources and facilities which together with a successful track record in completing projects for various overseas/domestic customers has made Bakrie Construction a premier contractor in the steel fabrication and construction industry. The yard is a Bonded Zone Area with registered IPSA harbour facilities. Our facilities enable us to directly receive material at our jetty and to export fully commisioned integrated steel structures/modules of up to 2,500T weight completely and with total capacity up to 10,000T annually, directly to locations in Asia and other overseas regions.

Bakrie Construction’s commitment is to deliver every project on time with Zero Defect in the delivered works, absolute safety with Zero LTI’s thus fulfilling the objectives and requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ASME U/UR, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2004 accreditations. Having a strong sense for the future growth with many prospects in international and local markets, our products been delivered worldwide to Australia, Singapore, USA, Chile, Europe.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bakrie Construction

Saat ini PT Bakrie Construction kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan di tempatkan.


• A Minimum of 8 years experience in the painting & blasting
• Shall have BNSP Certified


• A Minimum of 8 years experience in the Coating
• Shall have SSPC LEVEL 1 OR INDOCOR Certified


• A Minimum of 3 years experience in the Blaster Painter
• Shall have Blaster Painter Certified (Ascoatindo/ Indocor, or other equivalent

If you would like to take the challenge, please send your application, Curriculum Vitae included Certificate and recent photograph to:


Please write name Code, proposed position at the subject.

For example: Project Control (code:PC005)


Selalu WASPADA terhadap segala tindak PENIPUAN dan kesalahan informasi tertentu mengenai iklan rekrutmen. Kami tidak pernah meminta pelamar atau kandidat untuk menggunakan layanan agen perjalanan tertentu untuk mengatur transportasi dan akomodasi, serta pembayaran apa pun selama proses pendaftaran dan seleksi".

"Bagi teman-teman di harapkan agar membaca profil perusahaan, kualifikasi serta jobdesk posisi yang di butuhkan oleh perusahaan".

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat, berhasil dan sukses bagi para pejuang yang sedang mencari kerja. Silahkan berbagi ke teman dan kerabat yang membutuhkan.